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  Report della Ricerca:
ostetricia - ginecologia

tipo anno fonte titolo allegato
articolo2002Epidemiology, vol. 13, n. 3S, may 2002, pp. S19-S22The Safety of Prenatal Ultrasound Exposure in Human Studies
lex giurispr1997CDC - Center for Disease Control and PreventionEvaluation of Blunt Suture Needles in Preventing Percutaneous Injuries Among Health-Care Workers During Gynecologic Surgical Procedures -- New York City, March 1993-June 1994
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materiale grigio1998European Agency for Safety and Health at WorkProfilo di rischio nel comparto ospedali, reparti maternità (area materno - infantile)
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altro2002CDC - Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPossible Health Effects of Radiation Exposure on Unborne Babies
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