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procedure post mortem

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articolo2000Convegno di Nancy, 27-28-29 settembre 2000Formol et anatomo-cytopathologie. Conseils pour une prévention efficace
articolo2001AIHAJ, n. 62, november/december, 2001, pp. 689-696Successful Reduction of Morticians' Exposure to Formaldehyde during Embalming Procedures
articolo2002Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia, n. 24:1, 2002, pp. 32-34Esposizione occupazionale a formaldeide in un servizio di anatomia patologica
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materiale grigio2003New Jersey - Division of Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational HealthVentilation of Funeral Home Preparation Rooms
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materiale grigio2000Current Diagnostic Pathology; 6; pp. 75-83, 2000Infection control at autopsy: a guide for pathologists and autopsy personnel
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internet offline2000CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and SafetyWhat are some safe practices to follow when embalming?
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internet offline2000CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and SafetyWhat precautions should I know when required to do embalming?
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