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  Report della Ricerca:
salute mentale

tipo anno fonte titolo allegato
articolo1996The British Journal of Psychiatry, 169(3), 1996Mental health, burnout and job satisfaction in a longitudinal study of mental health staff
articolo1997Journal of Psycosomatic Research, vol. 43, n. 1Perceived sources of work stress and satisfaction among hospital and community mental staff and their relation to mental health, burnout and job satisfaction
articolo1999Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, vol. 34, n. 6Mental Health, "burnout" and job satisfaction in a longitudinal study of mental health staff
articolo1999Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, vol. 34, n. 6, 1999Explanations for stressand satisfaction in mental health professionals: a qualitative study
articolo1990Lancet 355, february 12, 1990Stress and psychiatry disorder in healthcare professional and hospital staff