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tipo anno fonte titolo allegato
articolo2000Occupational and Environmental, vol. 57, n.3, march 2002, pp. 389-395Associations of self estimated workloads with muscoloskeletal symptoms among hospital nurses
volume1990I rischi ospedalieri. Pacchetti di autoapprendimento per infermieri (Edizioni Sorbona, 2a edizione)
volume2002Advances in occupational medicine (I libri della Fondazione Maugeri, vol. 3, 2002)
articolo1999Epidemiology, vol. 10, n. 6, novembre 1999, pp. 685-691Work-related assault injuries among nurses
articolo2002American journal of Industrial Medicine, n. 41, 2002, pp. 170-178Muskoloskeletal Problems of the Neck, Shoulder and Back Functional Consequences in Nurses
articolo1998La Medicina del Lavoro, vol. 89, n. 3, maggio-giugno 1998, pp. 242-253Frequenza della lombalgia in una coorte di allievi infermieri
articolo2002American Journal of Public Health, vol. 92, n. 8, august 2002, pp. 1305-1311Reverberations of Family Illness: A Longitudinal Assessment of Informal Caregiving and Mental Health Status in the Nurses'Health Study
articolo2002International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, n. 75, 2002, pp. 484-490Low back pain and lumbago-sciatica in nurses and a reference group of clerks: results of a comparative prevalence study in Germany
articolo2002Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol. 44, n. 6, june 2002Physical Leisure-Time Activities and Long-Term Sick Leave: a 15-Month Prospective Study of Nurses' Aides
articolo2002Archives des Maladies Professionelles, vol. 63, n. 1, pp. 20-24Evaluation de la contamination des gants et des mains du personnel infirmier avant et après formation à la manipulation des anticancereux
articolo2003Occupational Health Review Issue 101, january-february 2003Latex case exposes strict duty to control hazardous substances
articolo2003Occupational Environmental Medicine, n. 60, pp. 10-15The effectiveness of current approaches to workplace stress management in the nursing profession: an evidence based literature review
materiale grigioEuropean Agency for Safety and Health - Nursing Matters Fact SheetsInternational Council of Nurses on Latex
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altroOSHA-Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationGuidelines for Nursing Homes - Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
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volume1992L'organizzazione del lavoro infermieristico in ospedale (Rosini Editrice, Firenze 1992)
volume1997L'Ospedale "I profili professionali degli infermieri, il lavoro notturno" (Ed. Società editrice universo, Roma, pp. 872-879
materiale grigio1997Università degli Studi di SienaSindrome di burnout e professione infermieristica
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articolo1999Journal of Hospital Infection, vol. 42, pp. 105-112Nurses and hospital infection control: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of italian operating theatre staff
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articolo1994International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 65, n. 5, pp. 305-311Evaluation of a Rapidly Rotating Shift System for Tolerance of nurses to nightwork
articolo1997L'Ospedale, i profili professionali degli infermieri. Il lavoro notturno, pp. 872-879 (Società Editrice Universo, Roma)
articolo1988Work&Stress, vol. 2, n. 1Work satisfaction, health and stress: a study of dutch nurses
articolo1999Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 17, n. 2, pp. 30-35Identifying sources of stress and job satisfaction in the nursing environment
articolo1979The Lancet, n. 1, p. 1250Mutagenicity of urine of nurses handling cytostatic drugs
articolo1985Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, n. 39: 141Spontaneous abortions and malformations in the offsprings of nurses exposed to anesthetic gases, cytostatic drugs and other potential hazards in hospital based on registered information of outcome
articolo1981Archives of Occupational Environmental Health, n. 48: 195Anaesthetic health hazard among Belgian nurses and physicians
articolo1983Acta Medica Scandinavica 214: 189Liver damage in nurses handling cytostatic agents
articolo1984The Lancet, 1: 74Monitoring exposure of nursing and pharmacy personnel to cytotoxic drugs: urinary mutation assays and urinary platinum as marker of assumption?
articolo2003Pistes, vol. 5, n. 1Des régulations en lien avec l’âge, la santé et les caractéristiques du travail : le cas des infirmières d’un centre hospitalier français
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articolo2003Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia, vol. 25, n. 2, p. 203Stress e burnout tra allievi infermieri ed infermieri di un'azienda ospedaliera
articolo2001Acta Clinica Croatica, vol. 40, n° 4, pp. 259-271Primary prevention of burnout syndrome in nurses at general hospital and health centers from Virovitica, Croatia
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articolo2003La Medicina del Lavoro, vol. 94, n. 5, pp. 432-439Work practice and some adverse health effects in nurses handling antineoplastic drugs
altro2003INAIL - Sovrintendenza Medica GeneraleRischio Biologico negli ambulatori "Prime Cure" Inail
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materiale grigio2003INAIL - Sovrintendenza medica generaleRischio Biologico negli ambulatori "Prime Cure" Inail
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materiale grigio2000Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' - Scuola a Fini Speciali per Infermieri in Nefrologia e Tecniche EmodialiticheCompetenze e Strumenti Operativi per la Prevenzione dei Rischi Professionali Infermieristici In Emodialisi
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materiale grigio2002IspeslEsempio di Buona Pratica riguardante i Rischi Psicosociali da Lavoro
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materiale grigio2003Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Viterbo - Servizio di Prevenzione ProtezioneRischi da movimentazione manuale dei carichi e dei pazienti nel servizio di emodialisi
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