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tipo anno fonte titolo allegato
articolo2000Folia Medica, vol. 71, n. 3, 2000, pp.33-40Monitoraggio del rischio biologico professionale da bacillo tubercolare. Indagine trasversale presso l'Ospedale di Cremona
articolo2000Folia Medica, vol. 71, n. 3, 2000, pp. 709-712Infezione tubercolare negli operatori sanitari: diagnostica di laboratorio e prevenzione
articolo2000Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medecine, vol. 42, n. 1, january 2000, pp. 64-68Evaluation of a western blot test as a potential screening tool for occupational exposure to mycobacterium tubercolosis in health care workers
articolo1999Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medecine, vol. 41, n. 5, may 1999, pp. 393-396Evaluation of the two-step tuberculin skin test in health care workers at an inner-city medical center
altro1997Regione LombardiaVaccinazione antitubercolare (BCG) nel personale sanitario: parere della commissione regionale per la prevenzione e il controllo della tubercolosi
articolo2002Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia, vol. XXIV, n. 2, 2002, pp.147-150Esposizione professionale a mycobacterium tubercolosis
articolo2002American journal of Industrial Medicine, n. 41, 2002, pp. 228-235Historical Risk of Tuberculin Skin Test Conversion Among Non-Physician Staff at a Large Urban Hospital
articolo1997La Medicina del Lavoro, vol. 88, n. 3, maggio-giugno 1997, pp. 237-249Proposta di protocollo per la prevenzione della trasmissione della tubercolosi tra i lavoratori della sanità. In applicazione al D.Lgs. 626/94 e successive modifiche
articolo2001AFSCME Health and Safety Fact SheetTuberculosis
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materiale grigio1998European Agency for Safety and Health at WorkUK Guidance on the Prevention and Control of Transmission of HIV - related tuberculosis and Drug-resistant, including multiple drug-resistant, tuberculosis
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materiale grigioAzienda Ospedaliera S. croce e Carle - CuneoIl Rischio Biologico - Modulo 3
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articolo1997La Medicina del Lavoro, vol. 88, n. 3, pp. 237-249TBC: proposta di protocollo per la prevenzione della trasmissione della tubercolosi tra i lavoratori della Sanità
materiale grigio1999CCHST - Centre Canadien d'hygiène et securité au travailQu'est-ce que la tuberculose?
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materiale grigio1999CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and SafetyWhat is tuberculosis?
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altro1999U. S. Department of Health and Human Services - Public Health Service - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - DHHS Publication n. 99-143TB - Respiratory Protection Program In Health Care Facilities
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altro1995U. S. Department of Health and Human Services - Public Health Service - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - DHHS Publication n. 96-102Protect Yourself against tuberculosis - A respiratory protection guide for health care workers
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materiale grigio1997(OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration - U.S. Department of LaborOccupational Exposure to Tuberculosis
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materiale grigio1996OSHA - U.S. Department of LaborEnforcement Procedures and Scheduling for Occupational Exposure to Tuberculosis
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materiale grigio1995OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration U.S. Department of LaborOSHA Tuberculosis Control Training and Resource Guide
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altro1999World Health OrganizationGuidelines for the Prevention of Tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities in Resource-Limited Settings
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altro1995U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Public Health Service. Centers for Disease Control. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthProtect Yourself against Tuberculosis - A respiratory Protection Guide for Health Care Workers
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altro1999U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Public Health Service. Centers for Disease Control. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - NIOSHTB Respiratory Protection Program In Health Care Facilities
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altro1994Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportGuidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health-Care Facilities
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materiale grigio2001www.anmdo.itProgramma di prevenzione e controllo della tubercolosi
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articolo2003La Medicina del Lavoro, volume 94, n. 6Appropriatezza degli interventi di prevenzione e controllo dell’infezione tubercolare nelle strutture sanitarie: revisione delle raccomandazioni ATS, CDC, OSHA
materiale grigio2002Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Viterbo - Servizio Prevenzione ProtezioneValutazione del rischio di trasmissione della malattia tubercolare tra gli operatori sanitari
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