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  Report della Ricerca:

tipo anno fonte titolo allegato
volume2001Rischio biologico e punture accidentali negli operatori sanitari (Lauri Edizioni)
articolo2001Sex Transm. Inf, vol. 77, 2001, pp. 444-445Post-exposure prophylaxis for human immunodeficiency virus: knowledge and experience of junior doctors
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articolo2002Occupational Health, september 2002, pp. 30-34Be sharp, be safe
volume1986American Journal of Infection Control, vol. 14, n. 2, pp. 71-80Centers for Diseases Control. Guidelines for prevention of surgical wound infections
articolo2002Occupational Health Review, july-august 2002, pp. 19-20Safer needles now?
altro2000Avent.orgNeedle injuries guidelines
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altro2000Scottish ExecutiveNeedlestick injuries: sharpen your awareness
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lex giurispr1998Ministère de l'emplio et de la solidaritéCirculaire DH/S12-DGS/VS3 n°554 du 1er septembre 1998 relative à la collecte des objects piquants, tranchants souillés
altro1999DGSTransmission des maladies virales entre soignant et soigné
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articolo2000Hazards 70The Union Campaign for an end to the sharp end
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altro2001AFSCME - American Federation of State, County and Municipal EmployeesThe OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 cfr 1910.1030
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materiale grigio2000CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and SafetyWhat precautions should be used when working with needles and sharps?
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materiale grigioTDICT - Training for Development of Innovative Control Technologies ProjectNeedle injuries equipment
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materiale grigio1999NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthPreventing Needlestick Injuries in Health Care Settings
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materiale grigio2000NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthHow to Protect Yourself from Needlestick Injuries. DHHS (Niosh) Publication n. 2000-135
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materiale grigio1998U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesSelecting, Evaluating and Using Sharps Disposal Containers. DHHS (Niosh) Publication n. 97-111
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lex giurispr2002NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthState-by-State Provisions of State Needle Safety Legislation in Chronological Order (Revised June 2002)
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lex giurispr1997CDC - Center for Disease Control and PreventionEvaluation of Blunt Suture Needles in Preventing Percutaneous Injuries Among Health-Care Workers During Gynecologic Surgical Procedures -- New York City, March 1993-June 1994
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articolo1997CDC - Center for Disease Control and PreventionEvaluation of Safety Devices for Preventing Percutaneous Injuries Among Health-Care Workers During Phlebotomy Procedures -- Minneapolis-St. Paul, New York City, and San Francisco, 1993-1995
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materiale grigio1997Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Directorate of Technical Support - Office of Occupational Health NursingSafer Needle Devices: Protecting Health Care Workers
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materiale grigio2001OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration U.S. Department of LaborOSHA's Revised Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
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materiale grigio1993U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration - OSHA 3161How to prevent needlestick injuries: answers to some important questions
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materiale grigio1999CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Department of Health & Human ServicesExposure to blood. What Health-Care Workers Need to Know
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